Make an impact through mentorship

Familiar Faces looks to close the gap between learning and life skills so kids can succeed in school, parents can focus on work and families can thrive.

We are in the beta phase of building out our tested program. We need passionate empathetic individuals who are not satisfied with our education system and look to make a change in students' lives. If that's you, sign up to be considered as a mentor for our program.

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What we are looking for

Classroom Veteran

Someone with teaching experience — a no brainer for our pool of advocates who can command higher fees.

Experienced Caregiver

An advocate whose experience is as intense as an actual caregiver or simple as an experience sitter.


An advocate whose experience is as intense as an actual caregiver or simple as an experience sitter.


An advocate with specialized training/certifications that make them an ideal fit for students with specific needs.

Empty Nester

A educated parent who’s “been there, done that” and is more than capable of helping keep kids on track.

All-Star Student

Juniors, seniors — vetted and proven. They’re uniquely positioned to succeed because they’re in the same scenario.


About Familar Faces

We find ourselves facing logistical, economic and emotional challenges like never before. Much of it revolves around giving kids the support they need and deserve. So as parents, students and professionals search for stability and balance — we’re here to give it to them.

Familiar Faces is an actively managed service that connects families with advocates who fit their unique needs — in-home and virtual — living and learning. Through careful curation and vetting, we look to build strong relationships with local, qualified advocates ready to adapt and fill the gap, so kids can succeed in school, parents can focus on work and families can thrive.

Interested in Becoming a Student Mentor?

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